ERLUS History | 1842 – 1935

1842 to 1863

The first brickworks was founded in Ergoldsbach – it was later called plant II. Owners: various private individuals, the last one being Rudolf Selmer from Ergoldsbach.

around 1870

The private brickworks changes its name to “Aktien-Ziegelei Ergoldsbach”. A larger plant – called plant I – is built.


Aktien-Ziegelei falls into financial difficulty and is sold by auction in 1897. The highest bidder is the banker Max Weinschenk from Regensburg, whose bid is accepted; the company name is changed to “Falzziegel- und Dachplattenfabrik Ergoldsbach Max Weinschenk vorm. Aktienziegelei”.


With the company agreement of 1 January 1904, the company name is changed to “Dachziegelwerke Ergoldsbach AG” and a joint-stock company is founded.


The Kareth plant of “Vereinigte Neue Münchener Aktien-Ziegelei und Dachziegelwerke A. Zinstag, AG” is purchased.


A major fire destroys two circular kilns at the Neufahrn plant, but these are rebuilt.


The Kareth plant is completely destroyed in a major fire; the site is sold to “Landessiedlung München”.

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