The ERLUS ALU-SYSTEM parts are extremely robust
The corrosion-resistant ERLUS ALU-SYSTEM parts are manufactured in a casting process, which makes them extremely resilient due to their material thickness. IBS Linz, the Institute of Fire Protection Technology and Safety Research, tested their robustness and awarded them hail impact resistance class 5. That’s equivalent to a hailstorm with hailstones the size of hen’s eggs. The ALU-SYSTEM parts don’t even bend or snap off under the strong thrust of ice or snow, as can happen with other mounting parts, like plastic parts, for example. Furthermore, the ERLUS ALU-SYSTEM parts are easy to store, transport, unpack and install.
The ERLUS ALU-SYSTEM is cleverly sophisticated and time-saving
With this complete system, all the components match perfectly and are suitable for almost any roof pitch. The installation of the system parts is simple and time-saving. The system consists of a base tile in the shape of the standard tile model and the functional attachment. The ALU sanitary ventilator is especially ingenious. The custom-fit base plate, cap, collar and sealing collar guarantee a raintight roof feedthrough. The vent is suitable for ventilating sanitary areas, kitchens and living areas. Condensation can always occur in ventilation systems too, and the corrosion-resistant cast aluminium clearly has the advantage here.
The ERLUS ALU-SYSTEM is beautifully shaped and retains its colour
The shape and colour of the ERLUS ALU-SYSTEM match the Ergoldsbacher roof tile model selected in each case. Laid together, they give the roof a harmonious appearance. The aluminium parts are powder-coated in facade quality. One of the outstanding features of this coating is its high UV resistance.
A roof can see temperature fluctuations of -20 °C to +80 °C. Aluminium always retains its shape in this temperature range due to its melting point of approx. 660°C. Plastic, by comparison, becomes brittle in the cold and softens in the heat. This leads to it becoming deformed or even cracking.
What’s more, the ALU-SYSTEM is sustainable: if the roof ever has to be dismantled, the parts can even be removed easily and recycled as reusable material.
Overview of the ALU-SYSTEM range
(Availability depends on the roof tile model)

preassembled, with sleeve

with removable lid insert, connection hose (70 cm), sleeve and reducer, coated

with base tile, Ø ca. 27 - 57 mm, coated

mit base tile, Ø ca. 58 mm, coated

Ø ca. 14 cm

height 20 cm, in 3-m-bars, (fence can be ordered separately)

length 2 m (tubes can be ordered separately)

46 x 25 cm as per EN 516

80 x 25 cm as per EN 516

13,5 x 18 cm as per EN 516

Type A, as per EN 517 (upper part only in red-brown or black)